Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ten Things I Love About Myself

Believe me, I don't think I'm really this arrogant, but after posting "Ten Things I Hate About Myself". a few friends have suggested I balance the scales with this list. I have to admit that this list was harder to compile, but here I go(in no particular order):

1. I was taught to have very nice manners(thanks mom) and I'd say I've maintained them, despite living in the dead center of the rat race, Manhattan. There's plenty of people around me who have none.

2. I love that my math skills are still pretty solid. Most of the time I don't need a calculator to add, subtract or multiply. Division can be tougher.(Thanks Stuy, especially Ms. Latham)

3. I'm still pretty good with trivia, especially pop music and sports. I'll do battle with anyone in either of those subjects.

4. I love being 60 lbs. lighter than I was a year ago. I feel more energetic, I can move around a lot easier than before and I'm not out of breath after walking a few miles.

5. I love that I have the ability to network with people the way I have the last few years(thanks Facebook). It's helped me to continue to grow and improve socially. Though, I have my timid moments, I'm not the shy kid in the corner anymore.

6. My DJ skills have improved a lot. I usually always know what song to play next to keep people up and dancing, or at least keep them from leaving the bar.

7. Though I'm almost 42(which is a shock to me), I still have just about all of my hair. But, I do see the grays starting to invade... :(

8. I can still say the alphabet backwards in under five seconds. Go ahead, you try it...Z-Y-X-W-V-U.......

9. I don't get as many migraine headaches as I used to and I don't vomit from them at all. Of course, it's because I hardly eat any chocolate or drink alcohol excessively anymore. Those are my two triggers.

10. I'm always willing to change and adapt, to situations, to people and to the times. I know that I'm not the same person I was five years ago and I'm excited about who I'll be five years from now.... :)

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