Monday, April 25, 2011

One Thing I've Learned About Myself........

Though I have experienced and been taught many things in my life, from different perspectives, the one thing that's always been clear to me, is that I can never follow anyone blindly and just go with whatever they say it is. I always want to figure things out by myself and try to be logical about things. I have to admit that this has gotten me in trouble at certain points in my life. It has also given some people around me a headache from time to time. My parents will always say that I was well behaved as a child, but sometimes I questioned their ideas on just about everything. Especially my mother, who has as good a heart as anyone alive, but I disagreed with her, philosophy-wise on everything. From politics to religion to everything else. I seemed to be more agreeable to my father's ideas. Especially the idea that all politicans(and clergy) were con-artists and crooks. Amen to that, dear old dad.. I've probably taken those ideas to the next step, which is to not trust anyone of authority, but I don't go marching in the street with it. Now that could get me in trouble.
    The point I want to make today is to know that I try to be as good-hearted a person as humanly possible, but some or most of you would be surprised by some of the things I truly believe, or not believe.......

1 comment:

  1. Dude, its as if we have the same life lol Remember that when u r too kind hearted, ur in for rude awakenings.
