Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Top Ten Things I Am Grateful For This Thanksgiving

I may not have everything that I want in my life. I don't have a fortune or a wonderful wife or my own home, but I can come up with ten things that I am certainly thankful for:

1. My Health - Yes, a lot of us may have the sniffles this time of year and those who are in my age group and older probably have aches and pains every now and then but generally speaking, most of us are in good health and it is not something to take for granted. That is part of why I've focused on losing weight and getting in better shape. The older we get, the harder it will be for us to do this.

2. Facebook - It may sound silly, but I will be forever grateful that these social networking sites came along to make connecting with friends, old classmates and family so much easier. About 5 years ago, I was in touch with only one of my 392 Facebook friends, my father. The rest of you were a distant memory, Now I'm Mr. Reunion guy, and I'm very glad that I am.

3. Indoor Plumbing - I'll leave this one to your imagination, but think of what the Pilgrims had to do, back in the day.....

4. Freedom To Believe Your Own Beliefs - This is a big one to be grateful for. It may seem that our government is slowly taking some of this away in recent years, but we still have it better than nearly everyone else in the world. I've changed my mind on politics and religion a few times in my life. I am glad that I have that liberty, and so should you.

5.Domestic Pets - They are the the most loyal living things you'll ever know. You can't take them for granted because you'll miss them when they're gone.

6. Your Family's History - Whatever ethnicity (or combination of) you are, you should be proud of where your family came from. Most likely, you are more well off and/or have more opportunities than anyone in your ancestry.

7. The Great Outdoors - Even if you live in Manhattan, there's always the joy of having a place to go to be near trees and grass and enjoy the sunshine....

8. Drive and Determination - Everybody needs these two things to help improve their lives. I've been going nowhere fast for a long time until I stumbled across these two things in recent years due to the motivation of many of my wonderful friends and family. I will forever be grateful to you guys. You know who you are.....

9. Football - Yes, I know this is limited to mostly my male friends, but what is Thanksgiving without watching football. Thankfully, the 8-2 Jets are playing tonight! J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!!!!!

10. Being Able To Remember The Great Times Of Our Past, And Not So Much The Bad - I remember great times, like HS graduation, friends and family weddings and many great parties that I've DJ'ed. I'm glad that I've forgotten 8th grade, Mr. Fisher's class and disco(just kidding about that....)

Everybody have a wonderful day! Gobble, gobble

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